
About Me

+10 things you might want to know about me...

I started my awakening in 2010 with Reiki healing after leaving Dublin, where I lived, worked and studied in my happy alcoholic 3D life!
I was born in Milan and raised in Cinisello Balsamo amongst Southern Italian immigrants (no, I am not Milanese!). My father is from Sicily, and my mother is from spicy Calabria!
Mum and Dad did all they could to offer me and my two sisters material security, food, and clothes. But not the love, they did not know how to.
At age 11, my mum got depressed after having my older sister and losing her mum simultaneously. She tried to suicide for the first time back then. The last time happened four years ago.
My sisters and I started the long journey of familiar healing with constellations, reiki, learning pendulum, working with Masters, breathwork, inner-work and eventually started the Sacred Medicine Plant’s journey (yes: A..Y..A..)
My father grew up holding so much pain and becoming the savoury rock of our family. Yet, becoming colder, detached from emotions, angry as hell. He also was physical and verbally abusive with us.
I was in a long-lasting relationship for nine years, which ended up ruinously. I started a “free dating” period to suffocate my pain and emotions. In 2016 I experienced the first “Dark Night of the Soul” as I was so sad and didn’t like the sunlight.
In 2017, I left my family for two years. Family drama and traumas were too intense for my healing process, so I left them with a lot of pain for them and me. I decided to leave them on Christmas Eve.
I went to Peru and Brazil twice and worked with several shamans. The last time (2019), I was so devasted that I decided to quit Plant Medicines and started a Psychotherapist journey for the first time.
2019 was my second “Dark Night of the Soul” experience. Alone, left out by friends and spiritual group, with lots of fears, traumas, doubts, uncertainty, totally lost. Faith in Jesus and photography saved my life as I started expressing my inner wounds through it.
In 2020, I discovered my Feminine Power, my Sacred Sexuality, and the Feminine Goddess codes entered my body as I enrolled in the last Priestess School held by Sofia Sundari. The long road to self-love was starting.
In 2020, I was introduced to a Sacred Intergalactical technology: the Stargate. I was able to heal my wounded Inner Child as ever before and received (and still I am) huge potent interdimensional healing codes.
In 2020, I decided to quit my 3D job to start my new business envisioned during a spiritual ritual to find my life purpose. Want to know more??
In 2020 (again!) I found Eldora & Siman’s youtube channel. I received (and still am!) a massive amount of healing and interdimensional activating codes. With them, I have activated my Merkaba! I have been to Tulum for their first New 5D Earth Festival, and I am now embarking on the 5D reality within 3D, connecting heaven to earth.
My journey with Sacred Medicinal Plants and Shamanism is not over because I have found many Sacred places and groups in the place where I live to get more teachings and share awareness.
I am hungry for spiritual knowledge. . I study astrology and consider the planets as Masters; I am interested in numerology, sacred geometry, and sacred rituals. I have received angelic channelling initiations, and my voice has been activated for shamanic channelling.

Rediscover your inner goddess

Step 1 of 3